Bristol Fire Station – Construction in Progress
Bristol, Vermont The Bristol Fire Station is an 11,000 square foot building with three vehicle bays, a bay for an antique fire engine and two floors of support space containing Gear Room, Locker Rooms, Offices and Conference, Day Room and a large Training/Dining Room with Kitchen. The building design accommodates present needs of the Volunteer Fire Department, looks to the future needs of the Department and includes the needs of the Community allowing the Training/Dining to be utilized for public functions. The project construction method is Design-Build, with Engineering Services of Vermont being retained by the Electrical Contractor as the Electrical Engineer of record to develop the electrical construction documents and assist in coordination with

Housing Vermont Offices Renovation
Engineering Services of Vermont is working with Housing Vermont, Inc. on the renovations to to their new office space on Bank Street in Burlington, Vermont. ESVT has provided mechanical engineering to rework the existing HVAC systems to be reconfigured for the new office layout and has provided support in the lighting and lighting controls for the space. Construction work is ongoing. https://www.hvt.org/

Weston Theatre Playhouse, Walker Farm – Weston, Vermont
The Walker Farm Theatre is a studio type, black box performance space to accommodate an audience of up to 150 people. The 10,000 square foot building will contain the performance space, public lobby, dressing and green rooms, offices, costuming areas and storage. As is typical of professional theatres, the project required close collaboration and coordination of the design of the mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems with the Architect, Structural Engineer and Acoustical Consultant to provide a silent environment and proper space acoustics. The construction documents for the theatre are completed and after successful fundraising efforts, the project is moving into bidding to allow construction to being early summer. Bread Loaf Corporation is leading the design team

Westminster Site Inspection
We visited the Westminster Public Safety Building Friday 05/13/16.